Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Big Fat Greek Problem

Bottom line… Creon is more right. I sympathize with Antigone (as much as I can sympathize with a character from a completely undeveloped storyline), but she is wrong. Polynieces is a traitor. I admit, the limiting factor of this story is that we have no idea how the dispute over the thrown went down. Polynieces probably was the rightful heir to the thrown, but he forfeited his justification when he lead an army on his own people. I don’t care about Eteocles or Creon. I could care less that he killed his brother, but he attacked his own people. He attacked the people that he would be charged with protecting and helping to prosper if he was king. You can’t care about them one day and not the other and be a just, responsible king. Doesn’t work like that. Even if he and Eteocles were the only ones to die, he purposefully attacked his own city and put an entire army of his fellow countrymen at the mercy of a bunch of Argive mercenaries. Mercs are not always the nicest guys on the block. The Argives could of turned out to be the Blackwater of Greece. Oh wait, that comparison can’t be right. They are security contractors not hired guns, right. (Hey you hippie, left-wing, vegetarian, tree-hugger. Hybrid-driving, pot-head liberals…this doesn’t mean I’m on your side. I just hate useless, poorly trained idiots with guns. I still love guns.)

How can Polynieces care for his people when he attacks them just to reclaim the thrown so he can protect them from attack as king. “ Ok, I will attack and possibly kill thousands of my people so I can help them live better lives in the future (as widows and orphans of course).” Maybe Eteocles deposed Polynieces because he was a selfish jerk. Polynieces didn’t deserve to be king. Neither does Creon, so Polynieces only removed a potentially bad king (I say potentially bad because we just don’t know. He could be a great king too.) to instate a suredly bad one. Polynieces was selfish. He valued himself over his people (and most certainly his family).

Creon is also obsessed with power.His edict is a bad law. Not because it is fundamentally wrong, but because it goes too far. King of the state is not enough for him. He wants to extend his powers beyond the worldly (he wants to be god-like, and we all know that he couldn't even multi-kill). He is obsessed with controlling the afterlife of Polynieces. He shows little concern for the higher law of the gods,but Creon is focused upon preventing Polynieces his nectar and ambrosia. In this way Creon both levels himself with the gods and shows his lack of faith in the gods (big mistake for a character in a Greek myth. Just say no to hubris). If he did have faith in them, he would let them take care of the punishment. Ironically, Creon should be thanking Polynieces. He just wouldn’t be king if Polynieces hadn’t knocked off his own brother. Creon doesn’t even listen too his people regarding Antigone’s actions. He is too busy playing God. Creon needs to pay attention to his own zoo (meaning the state).

Antigone is also selfish. Yeah, I think she’s selfish. Like Creon, she goes nuts with her cause. Like most martyr, she is too wrapped up in her cause to step back and solve the problem. I like the Hollywood version too, but dying for the dead doesn’t do a thing (other than reduce my morning traffic). Ironically, Creon is just as much a martyr (and killing for the dead doesn’t make much sense either). These Greeks can not possibly stand for the reason that they hold so dear. The world has too many martyrs. It is way too fashionable to “die” for your cause. And you don’t have to be burned at the stake or blow yourself up to follow in Antigone’s footsteps. While everyone is glorifying themselves by defying the whole world, the problems are just growing. We should all just lift our fingers off the triggers and put down our explosive vests and try to talk to each other a little. I promise, I won’t make you eat meat if you don’t make me grind with a redwood.

My advice? Antigone, think about how much it’s going to hurt before you nail yourself to the cross (and by the way, Jesus had a good reason…you, not so much). You can’t help anyone from the inside of a crypt. Creon, if you can’t get off your pedestal, I’ll get you a ladder. Go ahead and kill’em all, but let God sort’em out. You two could be a great team. You stab’em, she’ll slab’em.

By the way, Mr. Coon, 24 isn’t on this season. The writers ruined it. I can never forgive them for denying me my Jack fix. WWJBD? Take them out, just for the inconvenience.


yeah said...

I agree that all of the problems in this story are just caused by people with issues. If Polynieces wasnt a "prick", Creon a "power hungry republican facist", and Antigone " a B with daddy problems" this awful story would not exist.

good post but your blog sucks

Caitlin Wilenchik said...

I thought it was really interesting that you mentioned the irony of how Creon got his thrown. I guess I never thought about it, but it does annoy me at how much everyone prides themselves for being a martyr in this story. At first, I wondered which character you did favor, and I concluded that it was none of them. This is okay. I always try to pick a side, and forget that it is perfectly just to not. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, it was very entertaining.

Gary Gold said...

Gary, Son of Simp,

That blog was awesome! A little ridiculous at times, but overall it was hilarious! I liked how you discussed your hatred for all the characters. And you had substantial evidence from the story to support your hatred for these characters, which made it even more awesome. Also, your diction was a hole-in-one. From your spot-on use of "selfish prick" to your explanation of Antigone as "a B with daddy problems", your word choice amused me throughout the entire blog. And I love the additional information provided by the parenthetical notes. Very insightful. Overall, your blog was awesome. As asthetically pleasing as Stonewall Jackson's sweet beard.

The Falconer

Greg Peairs said...

Good to know I'm not the only one who can't stand these characters. I was starting to worry that I was just racist against ancient Greeks. You justified disliking them pretty well.

Ivy said...

My problem with Antigone was basically that she martyred herself for people that were already dead, so well said there. Honestly, reading this blog was a lot like every conversation I've had with you, minus a lot of jokes about Mesa. Fun, if one-sided. But then again, it balances out the play, which was the opposite--sort of dry and containing every viewpoint imaginable (if my English class discussions are to be believed).

chelsea robbins said...

uh, first off, not all hybrid owners are hippies. i have one but not for any kind of environmental reason. it's actually just nice to not have to fill up for three weeks.

anywho, you took a really different position on the story than a lot of the other blogs i've read and i enjoyed your originality. we really don't know anything about polynieces so who is to say that he is a good guy? he obviously betrayed his people and you're right in saying that he probably doesn't deserve the crown anyways.


Ally Resnik said...

First of all, thanks for the shout out ("Hey you hippie, left-wing, vegetarian, tree-hugger.") I appreciate it. Second, I agree with your point that Creon is trying to extend his power far beyond the realm of what he is allowed to control by decreeing that Polyneices isn't allowed to be buried. Also this line is awesome "We should all just lift our fingers off the triggers and put down our explosive vests and try to talk to each other a little. I promise, I won’t make you eat meat if you don’t make me grind with a redwood." Mad props.


LCC said...

Gary--you're entitled to your opinion about the characters, but I will ask you to refrain from expressing those sentiments using language inappropriate for school assignments.

Navdeep Khera said...

Gary Simpson

I wholeheartedly agreed with your analysis of the story. I really don't think that any of the members of this story were very good characters at all. Hardly anyone took the time to consider how messed up Thebes was and how Polynicies was going to be a terrible king anyways which is what caused Creon's edict. Also I believe Antigone has been overrated and more people need to bash her.

Dave said...

I agree whole-heartedly with you. I also find my sympathies torn between the various characters in this story-they're all screwed up. Very insightful and comprehensive.
PS You know when 24'll be out?

Dave said...

Navdeep stole my "wholeheartedly" thing.

LCC said...

Simps--seriously? No 24? all year? Major buzzkill! All I can say is this year's Lost had better be reaaaally good!